Rewards and bonuses for completing tasks.

In the latest update of Assassin, the rewards system for completing tasks has been changed. Previously, to receive the final reward, it was necessary to complete 30 levels, but the developers have decided to return the system to its previous state and reduce the number of levels to 20. In addition, rewards for each completed level and the final reward have been significantly improved.

Rewards for completing Tasks
Be careful, as rewards will change every month.

Level 1
  • Melissa's MP Recovery Potion - 200 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 50 pcs.
Level 2
  • Modifications Package: Ring of Audacity - 4 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 60 pcs.
Level 3
  • Modifications Package: Dragon Valley Earring - 4 pcs.
  • Modifications Set: Adena Talisman - 15 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 70 pcs.
Level 4
  • Tower of Insolence Time Extension Stone - 3 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 80 pcs.
Level 5
  • Package: Cloak of Protection - 20 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 90 pcs.
Level 6
  • Dragon Belt Chest - 15 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 100 pcs.
Level 7
  • Level 5 Chest - 2 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 110 pcs.
Level 8
  • Berserker Scroll - 50 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 120 pcs.
Level 9
  • Modification Pack: Dragon Valley Earring - 12 pcs.
  • Pack: Talisman Bracelet Lv.4
  • Ancient Adena - 130 pcs.
Level 10
  • Modification Pack: Dragon Valley Earring - 12 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 140 pcs.
Level 11
  • Pack: Cloak of Protection - 30 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 150 pcs.
Level 12
Level 12
  • Dragon Belt Chest - 30 pcs.
  • Pack: Agathion Summoning Bracelet Lv. 4
  • Ancient Adena - 160 pcs.
Level 13
  • Agathion Soul Exchange Coupon - 45 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 170 pcs.
Level 14
  • Speed Talisman Chest - 20 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 180 pcs.
Level 15
  • Aden Island Ring Chest - 10 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 190 pcs.
Level 16
  • Packaging: Protection Cloak - 45 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 200 pcs.
Level 17
  • Chest with Dragon Belt - 45 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 210 pcs.
Level 18
  • Agathion Exchange Coupon - 90 pcs.
  • Packaging: Einhasad's Pendant Lv.1 - 20 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 220 pcs.
Level 19
  • Eva's Talisman Modification Set - 30 pcs.
  • Ancient Adena - 230 pcs.
Level 20
  • Elixir - 1 piece
  • Ancient Adena - 250 pieces

Final reward for completing all task levels
Sealed Talisman of Authority +6 Chest - 1 piece